I really wish I could see you this weekend. I’ll just be mopey and stay inside, hoping you’ll ask me to come to you, or that you would have ridden the train up to see me, or a million other romantic and unlikely scenarios. It’s just not you. And I know that. And I love you.

I miss waking up and having you there. It’s a comfort—like many— that we haven’t had regularly for a long time, but at least was regularly refreshed. It’s just so sad when you’re not here.

Sigh. Lion, but patience and fortitude don’t fit and the should. Just apt. I miss you.

Gosh I miss you www.youtube.com/watch



I keep hoping to hear from you about this weekend. It’s like everything. I know you won’t but I hope you will. And I will keep hoping.

There’s like one night in three where I just can’t sleep very well. I can’t go to sleep, or I wake up at odd times. You’re always on my mind, but I feel so strongly in these moments. I miss you when I make the bed. Make sure the sheets are just so. Wishing that mattered.

Still, for you. Always. 6E767152-0345-4D0E-BFBA-A0F489825015.jpg

I love you. I wish we were together right now. Sitting on the couch. You working. TV on. Sharing space. Just love.

Everything triggers. I miss you so.

Apartment hunting today. It’d be nice to being doing it together. I just miss you so much.

You once thanked me for fighting for us. It was such a sweet moment. I’m going to keep fighting for us.

I miss you. So much. I’m always hoping to hear from you. Whatever news. Just your voice. Anything. I understand; it’s just hard.

My meeting went well. Rich is a great guy and is behind what I’m doing and how I’m doing it 100%. It’s an amazing situation and I’m glad I’m here. Almost perfect. :/

My first meeting with the head today. I sure could use your advice and reassurance and partnership.

Thought you would enjoy this: es.pn/2ZOYrge

I’d drive to New York every day to have dinner with you. I want to spend every weekend with you. I love you.


It is so hard for me not to reach out to you. I’m sorry. I’m really struggling with all of this and I’m trying to express and process so much. I don’t always know what to do, but I do always want you to know I love you.

Another night, another wrench without my Julie.

I burnt the bacon this morning (though, no fires with Oswald). You would have glared at me so hard. I would have loved it. Damn I miss you.

Wish we were enjoying this together. 7D34F847-A6A7-4DAD-A7A6-2FCB0A6D219E.jpg

I’m so emotionally drained from yesterday. Not sure how the day impacted you at all. I don’t know that I should have done anything differently. It’s just so hard to know what to do. I’m sorry.

Not unexpected, but it seems like this trip is only going to net me two, superb oat milk lattes, a lot of miles on foot, some stuff from Muji, and eight Wrenches. Not the worst outcome, but well short of my, admittedly far-fetched hopes. Damn I miss you so profoundly.